Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Keeping Things to Myself
maybe keeping my bloody mouth shut it's the best things of avoiding conflict..
but well,
sometimes things just cant be said that easily.. haha..
but i'm still waiting for the time i can voice out..
but mean time, i guess i should SHUT UP! lol
Currently Performing :-
- Self Improvement on Patient, EQ, Eloquence, Critical Analyze, Humble
So, don't think that i'm naive and nice when i'm keeping my mouth shut..
Maybe the next step you move,
i will be open fire and you.. haha
I think this post basically it's just nothing but some of my bullshit
anyway.. Happy New Year..
May all your New Year Wishes come true...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
说出那些话 我的心好痛
原来想说来伤人 不过现在自己痛不欲生
好让她对我死心 或 我对她死心
脑袋很清醒 可是控制不了嘴巴
这样深深得划一刀 总比 慢慢少少划 来得好
不想留在家 不想思考太多
梦也有醒的时候 应该是时候站起来 继续走下去
Monday, December 1, 2008
Christmas Season

It seems like Christmas it’s just around the corner,
I guess most of the people will be happy for celebrating it,
But for me, it’s just the same old stupid Christmas like the passed few years.
Every year before Christmas, I wished for the same thing, over and over again,
It never changed ever since the time I’m old enough to think.
But everytime it just lead me to disappointment,
At first I thought that this year I would make a different,
But it turned up the same like the past years.
How come it can let me down for so many years,
Cant it change and don’t disappointment me?!
Everyone said that Christmas it’s a joyful and happy season,
But for me it’s just another day full of disappointment, How Great it’s Christmas~?!
I just hate Christmas.
Unless it really make my wish come true
I will still wish and hope this year will be a different year,
If there is so called, Christmas Spirit, or what so ever, make my dream come true
Although I wouldn’t be celebrating it unless it true out to be the way I wished for so many years,
But I hereby,
Wish all of you, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
So Called Convo

It makes me waited for about.. hmmm.. 6 months.. WTH..?!
Ya! Thanks to our great Coventry University that set the rules regarding, all Coventry University student will be graduating only ONCE a year, which is in November. = =” swt
Reach there, people help us to wear up own gown that so heavy,

with so over of cause.
Why I say like this? Because my shoulder really need a lot of strength to hold that golden thingy.. = =”

took a few pictures with some of my classmate,
then a big group photo, on separate program and whole Coventry University student.
Then we waited to enter the graduation hall,
And sit there and wait for your name to be called, and walk up and collect our cert.
After that, it’s just full of crap listening section.. = =”
Then comes to refreshment section and time for us to find our friends to take picture..
I only got a few with me, or should I said, NONE,
All of them it’s with other friends’ camera,
So I just need to wait for them to send me.. = =”
I hope you like the flower give you though.. ^^

So called Convo,
Let me explain in this way,
Convo = Wait + Take picture + smile + take picture + look at camera + chit chat + crap listening + wait again + refreshment + wait and smile and take picture again
The formula it’s something like this…
= =
Best Picture Of 2008 Conventry University Convo

Monday, November 24, 2008
Will you..?
Will you drink so many until you sit also cant sit properly?
Will you scold all the people around you just because you are so angry and faddup?
Will you go cinema for movies every week for few months?
Will you eat cup noodle for 2-3 meals for a week just that you don’t feel like going out?
Will you stay awake for 3days3night did not sleep by depending on Livata just to finish assignment?
Will you do your assignment so last minutes like 1 night before submission?
Will you talk to some stranger on LRT just because they are same secondary school with you?
Will you stay back at school just to chitchat when you are in primary school?
Will you drive all the way to Port Dickson or KLIA in the middle of the night just because you want to coax your love one?
Will you go and learn swimming even though you afraid of water just because your loves one ask you to?
Will you keep a Husky Puppy when you live in an apartment with 3 rabbits?
Will you take a kitten back to your home just because you saw it wander around inside a supermarket?
Will you buy a chipmunk just because it’s cute?
Will you try to ask someone to be your girl friend suddenly in the middle of a normal chitchat?
Will you continue to fight for it even though the girl rejected?
Will you sneakily hold a person hand when she’s not aware?
Will you wait a person reply from night until midnight?
Will you fall asleep during exam time?
Will you think that your loves one it’s the one that you wanted to walked the rest of your life with?
Will you go to your female friend’s house, chitchat and play Big2 until morning (with another guy of cause, 2 person play Big2 sienz lo!)?
Will you ever hate someone so much before you until you feel like whack him so hard until he become a pussy everytime you heard of his name or anything related to that fellow?
Will you shoot a person (by words) so hard until the person breakdown and just cry in front of you?
Will you remember to wish your love one every month on monthli-versary?
Will you shop with your love one all the time and don’t feel bored? (but feel tired)
Will you not say a lie to your love one?
Will you believe I did all of it?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Gloomy Monday
Due to two weekends of rest, many people will think that it’s not easy to get back to work on Monday, when the morning time it’s so cooling and nice to sleep in the bed!
Sigh! Now reminds me of my secondary and primary school life, every weekday morning wake up early and go for school, but now a bit different is that, I DON’T HAVE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!!!
Normally time like this I should be darn happy, cause it’s holiday and it’s time to play and etc, but now, sigh! Not even one single holiday in November!!! WTH
I miss the time when I can stay up until really late and wake up in the after to go for late hour classes.
I miss the time when I have a few days in the week without classes
I miss the time when I can go anywhere I want without thinking of taking LEAVE!
I miss the time when I have lots of time to use in a day.. = =
I miss the time when I can kacau and talk to my munk munk anytime in a day
I miss the time when I no need STUCK IN TRAFFIC JAM every MORNING and EVENING!!
I miss the time when I have no worry on going class late, cause NO NEED PUNCH CARD!!
I miss the time when I can do anything I like in my room WITHOUT ANY ‘CCTV’ (my bosses)!
I miss the time when I just need to wear t-shirt and jean to class, NO TIE AT ALLL!!!
I miss the time when I can wear slipper and walk around, NOT THE LEATHER SHOES!
I miss the time when I can sleep ANYTIME in the MIDDLE of the DAY!!!
I miss the time when I can HANG OUT with FRIENDS on FRIDAY NIGHT
I miss the time when there are no Mr/Mrs Ma AROUND me and BACKSTAB ME!!
But what to do?! Things just go back to time, we just have to keep moving forward.
I guess everything really changed when people start to work, but one thing doesn’t change even if the sky fall down from the sky, the ocean dry off, the land cracked like a egg shell, or earth ozone layer disappear,
That is The Love to MY DEAR
It’ll never changed. ^^
Sorry for the thing I did that day and I promised I wouldn’t do it again.
I wouldn’t break a promise with my love one.. ^^
I will be guai de nia.. but still, I’m naughty to a certain extends.. hehe XD
Just more than enough for you to scold me and whack me just a little.. keke..
Like I promised you that day, from that day onward, I will try my best to make you smile and happy everyday.. Cause your happiness and smile meant everything to me. ^^
Now I’m believed that, when couple been together for quite a period, they will be linked together, in senses of feeling. Unbelievable?! BELIEVE it!
So, SMILE~! Hehe XD
Your smile will brighten my day
2 Nice Songs for readers..
because last time didnt post song pun.. pai seh... = =
Gavin Rossdale - Love Remains The Same
Hinder - Without You
(This song tell me, dont simply said it's nice song.. make sure check the lyric first.. because it'a darn sad song.. by the way, anyone that know this song got MV, please inform me.. thanks)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Bosco Wong Issue

I don’t know why, but everytime I went to Kim Gary, when I saw this fellow in the poster that put on the table, it JUST makes me feel like want to..

It doesn’t mean that I hate him or don’t like him, but I just feel like draw his face.
Maybe it’s just simply because that I’M NAUGHTY..!! wahaha
Before I watch that Hong Kong Moon Cake drama,

then I began like to draw him each and everytime I saw him on the paper put on Kim Gary’s table!
(Apologize to those Bosco’s fan for my Naughtiness.. hahahaha!!!!)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Something Crazy You Do For Your Love Ones – 2
The competition end quite fast, cause it most likely like some sort of 1 sided game. Lol.
So I decided to do something crazy again.
From my Company, Plaza Berjaya, I walked to Low Yat to buy Big Apple Donuts for my dear, just want to give her a surprise, cause she love to eat (once in awhile)
Then from there, I start walking to her office, which is, Medan Tuanku, Imperial Sheraton Hotel.
Normally it takes about 15 minutes for you to go from Imbi to Medan Tuanku, which is a few station away.
Really crazy hor?
But I found it quite nice, we used to drive through all the way, but this time I got a chance to walk there. Along the way, I can see quite a few scenes that we cant see it while driving.
Such as,
I walk faster than the car stuck in traffic jam.. wahahahha! XD
There is a path that I found it quite nice, which is, the road before Wisma KFC, there are trees along the path which I found it very nature. At least is good for the air in the middle of the city.
For those who not familiar with the monorail route, here it is:

Cause she went to time square liao.
So I have to take monorail back to Imbi. Lol = =
Although she’s angry a bit because I do this stupid stuff and made her wait at time square, but I guess her heart it’s sweeter than marmalade.
Am I Right dear?
Keke.. XD
Total length – about 3.5km
Time taken – 45-55 minutes
Here a few nice song that I’m listening these fews days,
It’s from an old movie called – “Nightmare Before Christmas”.
I LOVE the movie so much!
Hehe ^^
This is Halloween
Sally's Song
Jack's Lament
Jack's Obsession
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Something Crazy to Do to your Love One
But for me, it’s something that guys should do to their love one at least once.
When you doing it, it was like your relationship with your love one..
It started with an empty bottle, just like the person in your heart

your heart will be filled with your love one..

But however..
It’s just something crazy for my love one – Munk Munk

Total time spent – 1 month
Sure people will ask, “How Many inside?”
I also cant answer you clearly

The two piggy one can make 36 each
So, do the math yourself.. ^^”
Saving Abel - Addicted
Thursday, October 30, 2008
“Jackson, Would You Want To Join Us For a Beer After Work?”
(it was around 5.45pm)
I was shocked that time, because I didn’t drink beer so often, so at that shocked condition, I self-conscious help me answer our Senior Manager..
“No, Thanks.”
After that, our Senior Manager moved on and ask another colleague one by one.
Then one of my senior, Kenneth was asked also, but he also blur blur didn’t answer the question.
So we discuss about it, at last we decided to go also. Tak akan big boss asked us go, we don’t give face what = =”
They are 5 of us – guys went for a drink after work.
SHARP SHARP 6pm 4 of us wait at the punch card machine to turn 6.. lol
We went to Outback Steakhouse for our drink, it’s just in front of Low Yat.
Then our Senior Manager, Mr. Ng, wanted to order some snacks, then the fellow recommend him the grilled chicken wings.. (Here Comes the part I really want to blog about)
Waiter : “What size do you want your wings? Small? Medium? Large?”
(what he meant it’s how to cut the wings into)
5 of us was shocked.. so Mr. Ng said “If I want all large, then you gonna kill all the big chicken to get the large wings?” wahaha..
ok.. then the waiter shut up, and asked another question.
Wairter : “ How do you want your wings to be? Rare? Medium? Well-done?”
5 of us shocked until don’t know want say and react just look at the fellow like = =”
then we start our small discussion, “where got wings be rare one? If rare, when you bite it, all the blood will splash out??”
lol.. but in the end, we still ordered the very well-done wings, and the fellow free us a bread for the chaos he made.
Below will be some jokes that hard to be heard by a Senior Manager that have a serious look all the time.
“If people have no hair in front, which mean, the person it’s a good thinker,
If people have no hair at the back, which mean, the person it’s a good Fxxxker,
It’s all-scientific proven!
If a person don’t have hard in front and back, the fellow VERY GENG..
Because he just think himself a very good fxxxker.” Lol
“One day A go to some witch doctor at Africa to help him to make his penis to be bigger, the with doctor teach him that, you go to where where where, when you see an elephant, just pray whatever you want, then remember to say “I want my penis as big as yours!” then all will be done.
So the fellow done it and successfully made his penis to be as big as the elephant. One friend of his was jealous, he heard that matter after investigate.
So he went to same place and wait for the elephant for few hours,
Suddenly an elephant appear, then the fellow said “ I want to be as big as yours”
All of the sudden, BOOOM!!
He get himself a very big virgina.. lol
Morale of the story, please know how to different the sex of the elephant before making sex organ related wishes” lol lol
I know it’s long, but I guess you cant always heard your big boss to say jokes like that..
We drank until 8something, then all of us called it a day..
But my senior was not feeling well, because he drank the beer empty-stomach, so he kinda blur and drunk and…

Morale of the story,
Don’t drink beer empty-stomach
Dash Game
If anyone do not know what dash game it’s please refer here
I played..
Dine Dash

Wedding Dash

Parking Dash

Doggie Dash

if any new idea for the dash game?
Hmmm… let me see…
How about …
Toilet Dash?
Jail Dash?
Operator Dash?
Shopkeeper Dash?
HAHA! Seems like there are more idea to change become Dash Game, so don’t surprise if one day you will see one of the example I stated appear… wahahaha..!
Holloween is near
On Monday me and my dear run to 1 Utama to… to… to… hmmm.. I also not sure the purpose.. just walk around lo.. haha..
When I arrived at there, the environment it’s so nice.. BECAUSE IT’S HALLOWEEN!!!
Wahaha.. both of us also like Halloween, don’t know what’s the reason behind.. maybe it’s because got all kind of spooky and weird stuff that make us like it.. lol
I saw lots of my brother also.. Jack O’Lantern, if don’t know what it’s that, can refer to my post.. ^^
Got cute and made from jelly
what amaze me it’s this real one
but it’s not made from the orange pumpkin I used to see, IT’S ASIA PUMPKIN.. WAHAHA!
So it’s still a Jack O’Lantern, just that it’s an ASIAN! HAHA.
Due to it uniqueness, so I decided to take a picture with it.. lol
My playful dear also wouldn’t lose to me, she pick up some Halloween item and start to play her own costume party.
Here it’s the Half With Half Reaper Munk Munk.. XD
As we ran into a cute toy shop, Action City, I found something very nice that I like it so much T.T
It’s actually a collection figure of 5 of that fellow.. Maybe it might not look nice in the box cover, but it’s sure look nice in real one.. MOST IMPORTANT IS.. I LIKE IT.. keke
It cost about RM126+ = =” which mean around RM 25 per figure, but I think is worth it though, but not now., wait I get my salary first… *blush
As For Lunch,
We start about it since we met in the morning.. when we preparing to go out.. on the way to 1U.. walking around 1U..
FINALLY! We decide to have our lunch at
At first we thought it will be quite expensive.. until we saw..
So, we take that promotion item and order 2 drinks
One it’s my dear’s drink – iced mocha
(with her naughty face somemore.. haha!)
Then mine it’s Ocean Paradise

(don’t ask me what it is.. I only know it’s of pineapple, mango, passion fruit and gas.. lol)
As usual, we also played some crazy stuff… lol
Now we know why they don’t put any fruit decoration on mocha, cappacino, or etc.
It looks weird weird weird, extremely weird.. = =”
Before the meal it’s arrived, they served us some appetizer with olive oil and vinegar to dip on
It’s quite a bread though, totally different.. so soft and it smells nice also.. after dip with the olive old and vinegar it became even more nice!
(I announced it bread of the year.. lol)
while waiting for our meal to arrive (after eating the bread),
we started photo shooting section.
This one specially took for my friend – KL. He likes it so much..
Then of my silly picture..
Finally the meal arrive,
We choose 4 different pasta,
Upper Left : White Source with bacon and beef
Bottom Left : Lagsana
Upper Right : Red Source with tomato and prawn
Bottom Right : With Source with bacon, beef and calms
Guess how much it this meal?
It’s just..
Not very expensive right?
Maybe you people should go and try it out..
The place will be better if go a gang of friends or with whole family..
On the way back, we went to the petshop we used to go near my house,
Then my munk munk suddenly think of a crazy idea,
(actually we told of it long time, just don’t dare try out)
few months ago, I still had two chipmunks, but one of it, which is ahchip(female), die suddenly, I also not sure the reason, but I guess it’s heart attack due to bacteria from the food?!
So my munk munk saw the price, it was lowest than we can see at anyplace,
So we bought one, and when we go back, we put them together..

LOL.. Experimental of chipmunk and hamster living together..
At first it’s ok for both of them, but when they met face to face, my AhMunk slap the hamster face.. two time, so we take it out and conclude that they can live together..
Not more than 2 hours, we bought a hamster, and find her a new owner, which is my friend Pei Wen and her sis R, on the way to their house my Munk munk named the hamster, which is, “Xiu Bye2”. As she said, the hamster got a lot of bye bye meat… hahaha!
but at least she get a new owner with 2 more same kind geh hamster play with her.. ^^
thanks Pei Wen and R, must take good care of Xiu Bye2 o