Will you ice-skating for 8 hours plus and in the end both legs also twisted?
Will you drink so many until you sit also cant sit properly?
Will you scold all the people around you just because you are so angry and faddup?
Will you go cinema for movies every week for few months?
Will you eat cup noodle for 2-3 meals for a week just that you don’t feel like going out?
Will you stay awake for 3days3night did not sleep by depending on Livata just to finish assignment?
Will you do your assignment so last minutes like 1 night before submission?
Will you talk to some stranger on LRT just because they are same secondary school with you?
Will you stay back at school just to chitchat when you are in primary school?
Will you drive all the way to Port Dickson or KLIA in the middle of the night just because you want to coax your love one?
Will you go and learn swimming even though you afraid of water just because your loves one ask you to?
Will you keep a Husky Puppy when you live in an apartment with 3 rabbits?
Will you take a kitten back to your home just because you saw it wander around inside a supermarket?
Will you buy a chipmunk just because it’s cute?
Will you try to ask someone to be your girl friend suddenly in the middle of a normal chitchat?
Will you continue to fight for it even though the girl rejected?
Will you sneakily hold a person hand when she’s not aware?
Will you wait a person reply from night until midnight?
Will you fall asleep during exam time?
Will you think that your loves one it’s the one that you wanted to walked the rest of your life with?
Will you go to your female friend’s house, chitchat and play Big2 until morning (with another guy of cause, 2 person play Big2 sienz lo!)?
Will you ever hate someone so much before you until you feel like whack him so hard until he become a pussy everytime you heard of his name or anything related to that fellow?
Will you shoot a person (by words) so hard until the person breakdown and just cry in front of you?
Will you remember to wish your love one every month on monthli-versary?
Will you shop with your love one all the time and don’t feel bored? (but feel tired)
Will you not say a lie to your love one?
Will you believe I did all of it?
Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Gloomy Monday
I wonder it’s just me or for all those blue-collar office people, or is it all people have to same feeling.
Due to two weekends of rest, many people will think that it’s not easy to get back to work on Monday, when the morning time it’s so cooling and nice to sleep in the bed!
Sigh! Now reminds me of my secondary and primary school life, every weekday morning wake up early and go for school, but now a bit different is that, I DON’T HAVE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!!!
Normally time like this I should be darn happy, cause it’s holiday and it’s time to play and etc, but now, sigh! Not even one single holiday in November!!! WTH
I miss the time when I can stay up until really late and wake up in the after to go for late hour classes.
I miss the time when I have a few days in the week without classes
I miss the time when I can go anywhere I want without thinking of taking LEAVE!
I miss the time when I have lots of time to use in a day.. = =
I miss the time when I can kacau and talk to my munk munk anytime in a day
I miss the time when I no need STUCK IN TRAFFIC JAM every MORNING and EVENING!!
I miss the time when I have no worry on going class late, cause NO NEED PUNCH CARD!!
I miss the time when I can do anything I like in my room WITHOUT ANY ‘CCTV’ (my bosses)!
I miss the time when I just need to wear t-shirt and jean to class, NO TIE AT ALLL!!!
I miss the time when I can wear slipper and walk around, NOT THE LEATHER SHOES!
I miss the time when I can sleep ANYTIME in the MIDDLE of the DAY!!!
I miss the time when I can HANG OUT with FRIENDS on FRIDAY NIGHT
I miss the time when there are no Mr/Mrs Ma AROUND me and BACKSTAB ME!!
But what to do?! Things just go back to time, we just have to keep moving forward.
I guess everything really changed when people start to work, but one thing doesn’t change even if the sky fall down from the sky, the ocean dry off, the land cracked like a egg shell, or earth ozone layer disappear,
That is The Love to MY DEAR
It’ll never changed. ^^
Sorry for the thing I did that day and I promised I wouldn’t do it again.
I wouldn’t break a promise with my love one.. ^^
I will be guai de nia.. but still, I’m naughty to a certain extends.. hehe XD
Just more than enough for you to scold me and whack me just a little.. keke..
Like I promised you that day, from that day onward, I will try my best to make you smile and happy everyday.. Cause your happiness and smile meant everything to me. ^^
Now I’m believed that, when couple been together for quite a period, they will be linked together, in senses of feeling. Unbelievable?! BELIEVE it!
So, SMILE~! Hehe XD
Your smile will brighten my day
2 Nice Songs for readers..
because last time didnt post song pun.. pai seh... = =
Gavin Rossdale - Love Remains The Same
Hinder - Without You
(This song tell me, dont simply said it's nice song.. make sure check the lyric first.. because it'a darn sad song.. by the way, anyone that know this song got MV, please inform me.. thanks)
Due to two weekends of rest, many people will think that it’s not easy to get back to work on Monday, when the morning time it’s so cooling and nice to sleep in the bed!
Sigh! Now reminds me of my secondary and primary school life, every weekday morning wake up early and go for school, but now a bit different is that, I DON’T HAVE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!!!
Normally time like this I should be darn happy, cause it’s holiday and it’s time to play and etc, but now, sigh! Not even one single holiday in November!!! WTH
I miss the time when I can stay up until really late and wake up in the after to go for late hour classes.
I miss the time when I have a few days in the week without classes
I miss the time when I can go anywhere I want without thinking of taking LEAVE!
I miss the time when I have lots of time to use in a day.. = =
I miss the time when I can kacau and talk to my munk munk anytime in a day
I miss the time when I no need STUCK IN TRAFFIC JAM every MORNING and EVENING!!
I miss the time when I have no worry on going class late, cause NO NEED PUNCH CARD!!
I miss the time when I can do anything I like in my room WITHOUT ANY ‘CCTV’ (my bosses)!
I miss the time when I just need to wear t-shirt and jean to class, NO TIE AT ALLL!!!
I miss the time when I can wear slipper and walk around, NOT THE LEATHER SHOES!
I miss the time when I can sleep ANYTIME in the MIDDLE of the DAY!!!
I miss the time when I can HANG OUT with FRIENDS on FRIDAY NIGHT
I miss the time when there are no Mr/Mrs Ma AROUND me and BACKSTAB ME!!
But what to do?! Things just go back to time, we just have to keep moving forward.
I guess everything really changed when people start to work, but one thing doesn’t change even if the sky fall down from the sky, the ocean dry off, the land cracked like a egg shell, or earth ozone layer disappear,
That is The Love to MY DEAR
It’ll never changed. ^^
Sorry for the thing I did that day and I promised I wouldn’t do it again.
I wouldn’t break a promise with my love one.. ^^
I will be guai de nia.. but still, I’m naughty to a certain extends.. hehe XD
Just more than enough for you to scold me and whack me just a little.. keke..
Like I promised you that day, from that day onward, I will try my best to make you smile and happy everyday.. Cause your happiness and smile meant everything to me. ^^
Now I’m believed that, when couple been together for quite a period, they will be linked together, in senses of feeling. Unbelievable?! BELIEVE it!
So, SMILE~! Hehe XD
Your smile will brighten my day
2 Nice Songs for readers..
because last time didnt post song pun.. pai seh... = =
Gavin Rossdale - Love Remains The Same
Hinder - Without You
(This song tell me, dont simply said it's nice song.. make sure check the lyric first.. because it'a darn sad song.. by the way, anyone that know this song got MV, please inform me.. thanks)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Bosco Wong Issue
Bosco Wong, a Hong Kong artist, I wouldn’t say he’s famous. Famous or not, you judge yourself.
He is the spokesperson for Kim Gary though,
I don’t know why, but everytime I went to Kim Gary, when I saw this fellow in the poster that put on the table, it JUST makes me feel like want to..

It doesn’t mean that I hate him or don’t like him, but I just feel like draw his face.
Maybe it’s just simply because that I’M NAUGHTY..!! wahaha
Before I watch that Hong Kong Moon Cake drama,
I wouldn’t give a damn on the paper on Kim Gary’s table, but after I watched he make Lam Fong so cham,

kacau betul la the Bosco = =
then I began like to draw him each and everytime I saw him on the paper put on Kim Gary’s table!
(Apologize to those Bosco’s fan for my Naughtiness.. hahahaha!!!!)

I don’t know why, but everytime I went to Kim Gary, when I saw this fellow in the poster that put on the table, it JUST makes me feel like want to..

It doesn’t mean that I hate him or don’t like him, but I just feel like draw his face.
Maybe it’s just simply because that I’M NAUGHTY..!! wahaha
Before I watch that Hong Kong Moon Cake drama,

then I began like to draw him each and everytime I saw him on the paper put on Kim Gary’s table!
(Apologize to those Bosco’s fan for my Naughtiness.. hahahaha!!!!)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Something Crazy You Do For Your Love Ones – 2
It was last Friday, I heard my dear that she will be working late a bit, while at the same time I also wanted to watch the Ping Pong Competition organized by my company at the lift area (Our lift area it’s like a Multi Purpose Hall.. = =)
The competition end quite fast, cause it most likely like some sort of 1 sided game. Lol.
So I decided to do something crazy again.
From my Company, Plaza Berjaya, I walked to Low Yat to buy Big Apple Donuts for my dear, just want to give her a surprise, cause she love to eat (once in awhile)
Then from there, I start walking to her office, which is, Medan Tuanku, Imperial Sheraton Hotel.
Normally it takes about 15 minutes for you to go from Imbi to Medan Tuanku, which is a few station away.
Really crazy hor?
But I found it quite nice, we used to drive through all the way, but this time I got a chance to walk there. Along the way, I can see quite a few scenes that we cant see it while driving.
Such as,
I walk faster than the car stuck in traffic jam.. wahahahha! XD
There is a path that I found it quite nice, which is, the road before Wisma KFC, there are trees along the path which I found it very nature. At least is good for the air in the middle of the city.
For those who not familiar with the monorail route, here it is:
Look near hor? Think again.
But ended up get shoot by my dear,
Cause she went to time square liao.
So I have to take monorail back to Imbi. Lol = =
Although she’s angry a bit because I do this stupid stuff and made her wait at time square, but I guess her heart it’s sweeter than marmalade.
Am I Right dear?
Keke.. XD
Total length – about 3.5km
Time taken – 45-55 minutes
Here a few nice song that I’m listening these fews days,
It’s from an old movie called – “Nightmare Before Christmas”.
I LOVE the movie so much!
Hehe ^^
This is Halloween
Sally's Song
Jack's Lament
Jack's Obsession
The competition end quite fast, cause it most likely like some sort of 1 sided game. Lol.
So I decided to do something crazy again.
From my Company, Plaza Berjaya, I walked to Low Yat to buy Big Apple Donuts for my dear, just want to give her a surprise, cause she love to eat (once in awhile)
Then from there, I start walking to her office, which is, Medan Tuanku, Imperial Sheraton Hotel.
Normally it takes about 15 minutes for you to go from Imbi to Medan Tuanku, which is a few station away.
Really crazy hor?
But I found it quite nice, we used to drive through all the way, but this time I got a chance to walk there. Along the way, I can see quite a few scenes that we cant see it while driving.
Such as,
I walk faster than the car stuck in traffic jam.. wahahahha! XD
There is a path that I found it quite nice, which is, the road before Wisma KFC, there are trees along the path which I found it very nature. At least is good for the air in the middle of the city.
For those who not familiar with the monorail route, here it is:

Cause she went to time square liao.
So I have to take monorail back to Imbi. Lol = =
Although she’s angry a bit because I do this stupid stuff and made her wait at time square, but I guess her heart it’s sweeter than marmalade.
Am I Right dear?
Keke.. XD
Total length – about 3.5km
Time taken – 45-55 minutes
Here a few nice song that I’m listening these fews days,
It’s from an old movie called – “Nightmare Before Christmas”.
I LOVE the movie so much!
Hehe ^^
This is Halloween
Sally's Song
Jack's Lament
Jack's Obsession
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Something Crazy to Do to your Love One
Many people might think that it’s crazy, stupid, or maybe waste of time..
But for me, it’s something that guys should do to their love one at least once.
When you doing it, it was like your relationship with your love one..
It started with an empty bottle, just like the person in your heart
then when time goes by, happiness and joyful memories added bit by bit.. the love between become more and more..
after long time of being together,
your heart will be filled with your love one..

when it’s full, every moment you will be thinking about her, until the surface of the heart have wording about her..
I guess I got the lousiest description in this entry.. haha
But however..
It’s just something crazy for my love one – Munk Munk
Hope you will like it though.. ^^
Total time spent – 1 month
Sure people will ask, “How Many inside?”
I also cant answer you clearly
Skinny one can make 10 each (each one it’s about 8cm wide)
The two piggy one can make 36 each
So, do the math yourself.. ^^”
Saving Abel - Addicted
But for me, it’s something that guys should do to their love one at least once.
When you doing it, it was like your relationship with your love one..
It started with an empty bottle, just like the person in your heart

your heart will be filled with your love one..

But however..
It’s just something crazy for my love one – Munk Munk

Total time spent – 1 month
Sure people will ask, “How Many inside?”
I also cant answer you clearly

The two piggy one can make 36 each
So, do the math yourself.. ^^”
Saving Abel - Addicted
Just like this song, i'm addicted to you.. hehe XD
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