so i put it on my MSN nick.
many people asked me that what it's Jester?!
so, now i will crap and clarify some of those people thought.. haha
Jester it's actually same as Joker / Clown.

where joker/clown will just perform and entertain anyone around them.
Not like joker/clown, Jester will will be more emotional,
Jester will only do things they want, even in Medieval time,
Jester can disobey king's order just because they dont feel like entertain them.. hahaha!

since it's a new word for me.. wahahaha!!
although i want to make people around me happy and laugh always,
but i wouldn't do things under others' order, i only will make people laugh when i feel like,
not request or order by others.
(i'm not pin pointing at who, but overall there are few people did it before)
this is my personality, i dont like recieving any order from anyone.
(other than my boss, Bo Bian need to look at the salary also = =)
but i will try my best to make others to be happy, even though it needs me to bear some sort of stuff.
of cause, when it's under my own will
i will just do things that i want, not things that others want.
i live the way i wanted to be.
i'm not just any Jester, I'm a WICKED JESTER! wahahah!

Ne yo - Mad
Akon - Beautiful (Feat. Colby O'Donis & Kardinal Offishall)