Monday, November 24, 2008

Will you..?

Will you ice-skating for 8 hours plus and in the end both legs also twisted?
Will you drink so many until you sit also cant sit properly?
Will you scold all the people around you just because you are so angry and faddup?
Will you go cinema for movies every week for few months?
Will you eat cup noodle for 2-3 meals for a week just that you don’t feel like going out?
Will you stay awake for 3days3night did not sleep by depending on Livata just to finish assignment?
Will you do your assignment so last minutes like 1 night before submission?
Will you talk to some stranger on LRT just because they are same secondary school with you?
Will you stay back at school just to chitchat when you are in primary school?
Will you drive all the way to Port Dickson or KLIA in the middle of the night just because you want to coax your love one?
Will you go and learn swimming even though you afraid of water just because your loves one ask you to?
Will you keep a Husky Puppy when you live in an apartment with 3 rabbits?
Will you take a kitten back to your home just because you saw it wander around inside a supermarket?
Will you buy a chipmunk just because it’s cute?
Will you try to ask someone to be your girl friend suddenly in the middle of a normal chitchat?
Will you continue to fight for it even though the girl rejected?
Will you sneakily hold a person hand when she’s not aware?
Will you wait a person reply from night until midnight?
Will you fall asleep during exam time?
Will you think that your loves one it’s the one that you wanted to walked the rest of your life with?
Will you go to your female friend’s house, chitchat and play Big2 until morning (with another guy of cause, 2 person play Big2 sienz lo!)?
Will you ever hate someone so much before you until you feel like whack him so hard until he become a pussy everytime you heard of his name or anything related to that fellow?
Will you shoot a person (by words) so hard until the person breakdown and just cry in front of you?
Will you remember to wish your love one every month on monthli-versary?
Will you shop with your love one all the time and don’t feel bored? (but feel tired)
Will you not say a lie to your love one?

Will you believe I did all of it?

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