for example,
first time in the life getting a new phone...
first time in the life getting a girl friend..
first time in the life getting a new car..
first time in the life getting a computer..
first time in the life getting their first job..
first time in the life having a fancy dinner in a fancy place..
first time in the life having a baby..
first time in the life having their first salary..
and etc..
Today i had a chance of getting my first saman in my 20 years of life
time.. = ="
"A Quick Lesson on People Who is Weak and Poor in BM like all of us..
Saman is actually the penalty fine slip given by the police/s, when they
saw a citizen doing illegal stuff on traffic or on road, for example
illegally parked on yellow line like me.. lol
The other usage method of the Saman is, threatening the citizen in order
to get some Kopi money, this is the more common method the can see in
nowadays society.
Let's put it in a very common scenario,
if you get caught when you speeding,
Police : You Tau You Speeding?
A : I Tau, I ada important meeting..
Police : Macam ini tak boleh tau.. i kasi you saman o..
A : Jangan la bang..
Police : sekarang you yang buat salah.. i buat i punya kerja saja..
A : tolong la bang..
Police : bagaimana mau tolong? i tak buat i punya kerja, i tak dapat gaji o!
A : (take out RM50)
Police : tak peduli, angkat IC dan Lesen mari! (with lower volume) letak
bawah IC..
( A give all the stuff to police, police hold for awhile, and give A
back his stuff except the RM50)
Police : Jangan buat lagi ya!
So thats all for the scenario, does this scenario make it more
Thanks for your time on reading this al-known-informative-information.."

it's not a honored matter to mention about actually.. = ="
aiks.. cant blame anyone though.. i'm the one parking illegally..
(cause thought of saving parking money mar.. but in the end, it causes
me even more money.. RM100.. = =")
Well, dont want also can not.. the saman it's right in my hand.. seems
like i need to spend extra RM100 for the saman.. OH, CRAP!!
Other than the saman matter,
the other things that i even matter more than the saman..
The saman it wet and sticky.. = ="
(cause got rain)
luckily didnt sticked on my window.. = =

since when Saman also use printer to print out the Saman?
furthermore, color printer some more wor.. lol
i guess Malaysia's police had became so "high tech", thats why they
waste money on portable color printer so print out saman slip.. = =
what a waste of resources.. = =
I still remember the time when the saman is written in hand.. = =
Who will waste such money on that portable color printer when a booklet
and a pen can do the same thing? THE ANSWER IS.....:
they have saved the power to write, but now they have to carry that
stuff.. i dont know how heavy is it.. BUT I BET it's sure heavier than a
booklet and a pen!!
But look at the bright side, at least when they are carrying it.. they
can do some exercise as well... keke... XP
I guess is because all THEIR money goes to kuih raya and duit raya..
so it's time for them to come out and PREY! wahaha!
Beware of the BEAST my friends.. lol

If you are opening the radio,
don't mixed up this rhythm with the siren of the police..
Flo Rider - In The Ayer
Ayerr ayerr ayeerr.. lol
aiyer ai ai yer,... i remind u jor loh.. dun park at yellow line.. someone without P lience oso know..aiyer aiyer... but oso oki la... dun do it the nex time k? sek fan ~ *.*
aiyer ayerr ayerr... so funny, lol...
aiyoyo.....'ngam ng siu sum ah...'
~_~ FIRST time 'yik jor' those xxx ppl, 'ng dai' loh... Be disciplne next time k....
graz ham ham...
i kena b4...
RM50... T-T
illegal parking...
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